Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Life After Death Does Exist

                                                     Life After Death Does Exist                     

Ever since I was a small child, I was able to see people - only they'd be somewhat colorless/transparent, but I could see their outlines. I could tell if they were small, tall, male or female. My mother would scold me about my "imaginary friends" and I've kept quiet. I'd see these "figures" mostly in hospitals, funeral homes, or ERs. I'd say nothing about it for fear that some people would think I'm nuts. 
When my father was hospitalized, he called for my two sisters and me to be at his bedside. I had just arrived at the hospital and was at his bedside when the doctors came in and said they finally diagnosed what was wrong with him. He had cancer that spread a bit; they gave my father less than a year to live. The next day, my father came down with double pneumonia and he made the decision not to have extraordinary measures (DNR) taken since he was ready to go. The next day, my father started seeing family members - those who've passed over. He would mumble and we'd have to ask him what'd he say, and he'd say, so-and-so is here and they looked really good. Some would say to him that "everything will be ok," and my father even mentioned that his mother looked so beautiful, and she died three days after giving birth to my father! My aunt had passed away a week before and we did not tell him of her death as we didn't see the point in distressing him. My father even mentioned that my aunt looked beautiful and it was so nice of her to visit him. He seemed unaware that she had passed away. 
The night before his death, my sister was sitting beside my father and I was sitting in a chair by the doorway trying to read a book. I was distracted knowing he would soon pass away, but my sisters wouldn't accept his impending death.. A strange feeling came over me that made me look up, and I saw this transparent figure hovering over the foot of my father's bed. I looked away thinking I'm imagining it, and looked up again. I watched it for probably a good minute before this figure turned his head and was looking directly at me. Right at that moment, it was as if "he" telepathically told me my father will be alright and momma's waiting for him. My mother had passed away three years earlier! The next day, my father suddenly became very calm, comfortable, wasn't struggling to breath, was coherent, and he turned to each one of us, telling us he loved us. He turned to me last, and he said, "Love ya, baby!", blew a kiss toward me and died. I'm a firm believer that our loved ones who've passed wait for the day to help us over to the "other side."

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