Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Guardian Angel

                                                        Guardian Angel                  

I have had three experiences that I believe dealt with my Guardian Angel:
One time I was leaving Richmond, Va. to drive to the Shenandoah Valley to visit my family. I drove to the on ramp for 64 West to go through the toll booth. I gave my left signal to turn into the toll lane and, for some unaccountable reason, swerved out of the lane and pushed into the northbound lane of the street I had been in. I drove up to the next corner, and turned around and came back and gave my right signal to turn into the toll lane again. I could not turn the steering wheel to make the turn. I drove right by it again. I stopped when I could get off to the side of the street and thought about it, and finally decided that I didn't want to be on Interstate 64, and went home on 250. I don't know what I avoided, or what would have happened, but I feel my Guardian Angel was telling me not to drive on 64.
I was married at one point in my life to an abusive, alcoholic husband, who threatened to kill me regularly. During one of his abusive bouts, he told our son that he was going to shoot him, and had a rifle, at which point I obtained a pistol and told him that if he raised the rifle to shoot I would kill him. His parents lived next to us, and must have heard the noise, and came running. At that point, our son, decided to spend the night with his grandparents, and my husband actually told his parents he was going to kill me. He and I went back into the house, and as we stepped through the door he punched me in the face and split my lip open. (I had actually thought for the last six months about how to kill him and get away with it and now was my chance.) I still had the gun in my hand and I just knew I could use self defense because he was still saying he was going to kill me. I tried four times to shoot him. I was an excellent shot, and he wasn't more than ten feet away. But every time I brought the gun up to fire, something felt like it pushed my hand down, and I shot at his feet. I tried four times, and four times something stopped me. I feel it was my Guardian Angel trying to keep me from making a mistake. (Or possibly his Angel). 
The last time was when I had decided for some silly reason, to choose an Egyptian Queen for my Guardian Angel, because I was very interested in the ancient Egyptians. So I had been praying for her to come be my Guardian Angel. I was sitting on the side of the bed, saying the nightly ritual, asking for the Egyptian Queen to come and I felt a mighty elbow type whack in my ribs and in my head, or perhaps I actually heard a voice saying, "I'm tired of this. I am your Guardian Angel!" I didn't see her, but I sure felt her and heard her voice. I never did that again. There are, I'm sure, many more times that I don't know about where I have been steered through some type of trouble, but these three times really stand out in my mind. I really believe she's there and helping me.

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