Selasa, 31 Mei 2011


LOL!xD i don;t believe it ! I won King Bling maze.
This is the pic

It's a nice maze. When my friend gone all. I did it.. :D

Vinny's Maze ( Part 1)

Hi all my readers ! Have you ever played Vinny's maze ? I think you haven't played it because this is the first Vinny's maze! Here's my maze
1st winner
That's the 1st up to 3rd winners .. :D
Oh!! Vinny's wanna shared her picture with the others winners..
Lol.. xD

If you never played Vinny's maze, come on go to Vinny's maze. Try it. It'll make you confused. LOL

C'ya in Vinny's PART 2 maze. And don't forget to fav. LOL

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

How to avoid the possibility of the hack

How to avoid the possibility of the hack.

Here are some tips from Vinny to avoid the possibility of the hack :

1. Don't give your email and password to the person who you just know or even your friends.
2. Keep your room locked.
3. Do not make friends with people who you think are suspicious
    Ex. He/She always begging you to approve her/his friend request or always begging you to add her/him

Those are some tips to avoid the possibility of the hack.

Hope it useful for all my readers. 

C ya... ^3^ 

Hacker Awareness 2

Do you remember swanny's story?
Well since thats over I think you probably think your safe now but your not! 2 of my friends have been hacked quite recently , the first was swanny and I'm going to share the second one story so you can be more careful about hackers...

Cindy's story

 cindy was a rich girl. cindy was friend with a girl called sammy. she tought sammy was a good girl,but it turn out she was an evil. Turn out he is a hacker who is very cruel. He instigated cindy. In order to Cindy give her know cindy email and password, sammy always ask her chat and so forth. cindy had also been considered sammy as a trustworthy friend. Until one day, sammy requested cindy email and password. Because cindy had believed sammy , cindy gave sammy know her email and password. The next day, cindy unable to open the her pico. cindy is very disappointed to sammy that had hacked cindy's pico. However, cindy was a girl who never gave up. he took back that account. she also succeed snatch them away. But, it turns out sammy had removed all cindy's buddies and take his expensive items including her scooter. cindy worked hard to get her scooter back. she finally managed to snatch them away. then I met cindy at newbie park. I was very happy! I immediately added her back as soon as possible.
I hope she finds all her friends again!
I really admire swanny's spirit being so brave when times are bad!
love ya lots x

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Hacker Awareness

Do you remember a while back when there was all that fuss about the top 30 hackers?
Well since thats over I think you probably think your safe now but your not! 2 of my friends have been hacked quite recently and I'm going to share their story so you can be more careful about hackers...

swanny's story...

swan was friends with a girl called pipilina. she thought she was nice untill she was hacked! the hacker was pipilina to make it worse! her own friends hacked her!!! one of the times she was hacked she deleted all of her hard earned items including her scooter. Luckily swanny was not the type to give up so she worked even harder to win her scooter back. Unfortunately pipilina struck again and deleted lots of her friends! This time she did not delete her items but imagine how devestating it would be to loose your friends?!?! I was so glad 2 see swanny again in newbie central and added her again as quickly as possible

I hope she finds all her friends again!
I really admire swanny's spirit being so brave when times are bad!
love ya lots x

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


Ah.. This is my little simple room

Lovely Letters for Vinny ♥

Hello all ! Vinny has received a lot of special letters. Thanks for all your messages with lots of love and support!

Thankyou guys. Do leave me lovely messages or letter on Pico. If your messages are special , I will surely post it on Vinny Pico ! Thankyou all :)

Lovely Messages for Vinny ♥

Hello all ! Vinny has received a lot of special messages. Thanks for all your messages with lots of love and support!

Thankyou guys. Do leave me lovely messages or letter on Pico. If your messages are special , I will surely post it on Vinny Pico ! Thankyou all :)

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Vinny's Note

And here comes the bad news. There was a girl coming into my room. This is her profile.

She kept saying I m his mom in pico. . Beware of her. The words of her are all fake. I m now here to clarify that Vinny has no kids in Pico. Those who saying that they are my sons or daughters are fake. 

It's Time for PROM!

Its the time for the annual Prom in Pico. So We Vinny Pico want to hold a PROM KING and QUEEN competition. Vinny has tried her best to search for anyone who dress awesome in the prom area. And now All readers can take part in it by voting your favourite prom king and queen!

And I will post the pics of them here and on Vinny Pico Facebook page ! I will add an album on the page. And this is now your turn , all my lovely readers! You guys can choose your favourite prom queen and king and LIKE the photo of him or her ! The competition will go on for a week for voting !

And next week (30May), I will announce the winners of the competition here! :)

Candidates for PROM QUEEN

Candidates for PROM KING

How can you vote ?

First, you have to LIKE the Vinny Pico Facebook page


And then, go to the album ' Prom King and Queen 2011'


Like the pictures of your favourite Prom King and Queen to vote for them!
Winners will be announce on 30th May.

And i m here to announce the Cute Pico of last week! Those who got the highest number of votes will be the Miss Cute of the week !

This is the Miss Cute of the Week 1 Cute Pico competition.

And this week we will not have any Cute pico competition due to the prom competition.
Thankyou !

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


As you might've noticed, I will stop sharing open food links on a weekly basis. Two weeks ago, Ameba Pico changed the gifting system, and now you can only share food with your facebook friends, not with all the players. So there's no way I can't put them on the blog as I used to. There are still ways to share rare foods like the halloween stuff and the clover juice for example, so I'm thinking of making contests every once in a while and give the food personally to the winner FB inbox.

I don't want to close this page, and I really want to keep helping you all, so instead of being a blog with free gifts, I will start writing articles, cheats, and important info... of course, all related with our favourite game Ameba Pico. I'll try do to as much as I can as always!

Life After Death Does Exist

                                                     Life After Death Does Exist                     

Ever since I was a small child, I was able to see people - only they'd be somewhat colorless/transparent, but I could see their outlines. I could tell if they were small, tall, male or female. My mother would scold me about my "imaginary friends" and I've kept quiet. I'd see these "figures" mostly in hospitals, funeral homes, or ERs. I'd say nothing about it for fear that some people would think I'm nuts. 
When my father was hospitalized, he called for my two sisters and me to be at his bedside. I had just arrived at the hospital and was at his bedside when the doctors came in and said they finally diagnosed what was wrong with him. He had cancer that spread a bit; they gave my father less than a year to live. The next day, my father came down with double pneumonia and he made the decision not to have extraordinary measures (DNR) taken since he was ready to go. The next day, my father started seeing family members - those who've passed over. He would mumble and we'd have to ask him what'd he say, and he'd say, so-and-so is here and they looked really good. Some would say to him that "everything will be ok," and my father even mentioned that his mother looked so beautiful, and she died three days after giving birth to my father! My aunt had passed away a week before and we did not tell him of her death as we didn't see the point in distressing him. My father even mentioned that my aunt looked beautiful and it was so nice of her to visit him. He seemed unaware that she had passed away. 
The night before his death, my sister was sitting beside my father and I was sitting in a chair by the doorway trying to read a book. I was distracted knowing he would soon pass away, but my sisters wouldn't accept his impending death.. A strange feeling came over me that made me look up, and I saw this transparent figure hovering over the foot of my father's bed. I looked away thinking I'm imagining it, and looked up again. I watched it for probably a good minute before this figure turned his head and was looking directly at me. Right at that moment, it was as if "he" telepathically told me my father will be alright and momma's waiting for him. My mother had passed away three years earlier! The next day, my father suddenly became very calm, comfortable, wasn't struggling to breath, was coherent, and he turned to each one of us, telling us he loved us. He turned to me last, and he said, "Love ya, baby!", blew a kiss toward me and died. I'm a firm believer that our loved ones who've passed wait for the day to help us over to the "other side."

Haunted Nuns

                                                              Haunted Nuns                 

This is a true story that happened to my friend and me. We were driving down this old road way out in the country, and as we came to this hill there were two nuns walking. One was taller than the other and skinnier as well. I looked at the tallest nun, who had a far-away stare in her eyes, like in another time period. The smaller nun looked at me and smiled and we went to the bottom of the hill. I said to my friend, "Stop the truck and go back up the hill again." She asked why and I told her, "Look, you don't find nuns walking out like this. Plus, didn't you notice the habits being out dated? They don't dress in long habits anymore."
So, we turn around and went back up the hill; the nuns had vanished completely. We looked in all directions. No nuns. We finally found some people working outside on their house and we stopped to ask them if they saw the nuns. The lady told us no, but to go to the end of the road and talk with the lady there.
As we approached the house, we argued about who was going to go knock on the door and ask this lady about what we saw. It turned out I had to go knock on the door and ask this little lady about the nuns. We were invited in and she went into the bedroom and brought out a scrapbook full of newspaper clippings. We talked and looked at the newspaper clippings and found out the tallest nun was her daughter, and her friend who also was a nun. Come to find out they died a very tragic death near the spot where we saw them. This happened back in the late 1950s. 
According to the clippings, they came home for a family reunion and that morning of the reunion decided to take a walk. When they approached this hilltop, a truck with three men in it stopped to ask them if they would like a ride. Smelling liquor, they said no. This offended the men, but they drove down the hill and turned around coming up to the nuns. Two of the men grabbed them and took them out in a field where they raped and strangled them. 
They appear near the time of their demise. After we left, we made a pact between us not to mention this to anyone. On our way back in town, we had to cross this big bridge. Half way in the middle of the bridge, my friend slammed on the brakes and pointed up, staring. My side of the door was slammed next to the bridge, so I had to kick her out to see what she was pointing about. I looked up and saw what she was pointing at. There in mid-air was this beautiful man dressed in a white robe with golden ropes and brown sandals. His hair was the color of dark, curly brown and hazel eyes. He just smiled and held his hands out to us. I had about enough of this by now and I pushed her inside the truck and drove off the bridge. 
I stopped and we discussed everything we'd seen. All she could say was, "We have to tell mom about this." When we got home, she burst through the doors and began to babble about what we experienced. Mom not understanding her, looked at me and I told her what we had experienced and tears formed in her eyes. This I thought would be an end, but was I ever wrong. Mother immediately called a priest and told him about our experiences. He came over and he separated us and talked to us about what we had seen. After awhile, he left and I thought we were done. Unfortunately, I was wrong again. The father called the Diocese in St. Genevieve, Mo. and related the story. The following weekend we were to meet at the church. They separated us immediately. They questioned us for hours over and over. Finally, all the reports went to the Pope. They are now considered locked.

Guardian Angel

                                                        Guardian Angel                  

I have had three experiences that I believe dealt with my Guardian Angel:
One time I was leaving Richmond, Va. to drive to the Shenandoah Valley to visit my family. I drove to the on ramp for 64 West to go through the toll booth. I gave my left signal to turn into the toll lane and, for some unaccountable reason, swerved out of the lane and pushed into the northbound lane of the street I had been in. I drove up to the next corner, and turned around and came back and gave my right signal to turn into the toll lane again. I could not turn the steering wheel to make the turn. I drove right by it again. I stopped when I could get off to the side of the street and thought about it, and finally decided that I didn't want to be on Interstate 64, and went home on 250. I don't know what I avoided, or what would have happened, but I feel my Guardian Angel was telling me not to drive on 64.
I was married at one point in my life to an abusive, alcoholic husband, who threatened to kill me regularly. During one of his abusive bouts, he told our son that he was going to shoot him, and had a rifle, at which point I obtained a pistol and told him that if he raised the rifle to shoot I would kill him. His parents lived next to us, and must have heard the noise, and came running. At that point, our son, decided to spend the night with his grandparents, and my husband actually told his parents he was going to kill me. He and I went back into the house, and as we stepped through the door he punched me in the face and split my lip open. (I had actually thought for the last six months about how to kill him and get away with it and now was my chance.) I still had the gun in my hand and I just knew I could use self defense because he was still saying he was going to kill me. I tried four times to shoot him. I was an excellent shot, and he wasn't more than ten feet away. But every time I brought the gun up to fire, something felt like it pushed my hand down, and I shot at his feet. I tried four times, and four times something stopped me. I feel it was my Guardian Angel trying to keep me from making a mistake. (Or possibly his Angel). 
The last time was when I had decided for some silly reason, to choose an Egyptian Queen for my Guardian Angel, because I was very interested in the ancient Egyptians. So I had been praying for her to come be my Guardian Angel. I was sitting on the side of the bed, saying the nightly ritual, asking for the Egyptian Queen to come and I felt a mighty elbow type whack in my ribs and in my head, or perhaps I actually heard a voice saying, "I'm tired of this. I am your Guardian Angel!" I didn't see her, but I sure felt her and heard her voice. I never did that again. There are, I'm sure, many more times that I don't know about where I have been steered through some type of trouble, but these three times really stand out in my mind. I really believe she's there and helping me.

Ghost Dog

                                                                            Ghost Dog                   

In 1990, I was living in my grandmother-in-law's house. I had just given birth to my second child and was staying in a bedroom in her house that used to be occupied by my father-in-law when he was a boy. My grandmother-in-law's name was Virginia and she had lived in the house since the 1950s with her husband and a pet dog named Peanut. Peanut was a small cocker spaniel and was the family pet for 15 years, then passed away. The floors of the house were all wooden and there was a long hallway that led to all of the bedrooms. 
One night I woke up to hear a clicking sound outside in the hallway. It sounded as if something was moving up and down the hall in a run like an animal with it's nails clicking along the wooden floors and echoing in the hallway. I first thought it was Virginia's cats playing in the hall at night. After this the same phenomenon happened at least four or five more times. I asked Virginia about it and what the sound was. She said it was probably the dog Peanut because the cats were never in at night and would not make such a loud clicking sound in the hall with their nails. I said "oh" and went about my business. 
Now I always had my door shut and sometimes locked at night especially after hearing about this "ghost" dog. One night I woke up to hear Peanut running up and down the hall once again, and I cringed under my covers listening to him run. Then all of the sudden I heard him stop. Just then I felt as if something had jumped onto my bed and lain down upon my feet on the bed. I froze. I didn't breathe. I didn't even look out of my covers. I laid like this for about two to three minutes. I did reach out though to feel at my feet on top of the covers. Just as I reached out and touched my feet, the sensation of a heavy thing lying on my feet went away. That was the only time Peanut came to sleep on my bed, but I did hear him running up and down the hall many more times during the six months I lived there. Since then I am sure there are lingering spirits or energies.

Can Dog See Ghost ?

                                                      Can Dog See Ghost?               

“I see dead people.” Uttered by actor Haley Joel Osment in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense, it has become one of the most famous lines in movie history. Although the film was based on a fictional story, we have all seen those people on television who claim they can see or communicate with the dead. Would it surprise you to learn that dogs may also possess that ability?
One of the oldest known paranormal beliefs is that dogs have the ability to see or communicate with the dead. It would be easy to believe that people have come to that conclusion based on a dog’s natural behavior. We’ve all seen dogs stand still and stare or react to something we were unable to see or hear. However, there may be much more to it then that.
Most of the pet people I have known had some sort of a weird dog story to tell. The most common involves the death of a beloved dog owner. The dog owner would die and it always seems like his or her pet would know about the event before anyone else. My mother often recounts the story of Grandpa Bill.
For the last few years of his life, Grandpa Bill languished from a terminal illness. When he wasn’t in the hospital, he stayed with us. It was during those stays that Bill became very close to an Irish Setter adopted by my mother. Rusty and Bill were inseparable. Whenever he sat in our back yard to get some sun during summer afternoons, Bill would play with her by throwing a ball for Rusty to catch or using her favorite old sock as a pull toy. Rusty slept at the foot of Bill’s bed and would start barking anytime he coughed or experienced shallow breathing.
During the final days of his life, Bill was back in the hospital. It was during that time that Rusty started acting strangely. She would pace back and forth in front of the bed in a spare room where Bill slept when he stayed at our home. She would circle the lawn chair he used to sit in when he played with her in the backyard. It was really eerie! However, stranger things were yet to come.
Although we knew he wasn’t going to live much longer, it came as a bit of a shock when Bill finally passed on. We thought that he would probably live another few months based on what the doctors said, but that wasn‘t to be. A nurse checked on him around three in the morning and found he had passed on. Around the same time and without explanation, Rusty awakened everyone in our household. She began to howl uncontrollably. Less then an hour later, we received the sad news of Bill’s passing by phone.
I was too young to remember most of what happened, but I do recall that my parents were freaked out by the whole event. My mother was a no nonsense kind of person who had no use for anything paranormal, yet she recounted this story several times to me in later years whenever the subject of strange animal behavior would come up. Anything but a storyteller, I always felt that she spoke of those events as a way of trying to understand them. I suppose we could just toss it all off to coincidence, but the odds do not seem to be with that considering how many other people have experienced similar events.
Most everyone who has ever lived in any kind of a suburban neighborhood has some sort of a story to tell about that one weird house that everyone would stay away from. In my case, it was about seven houses down from mine in a neighborhood on Long Island. All of the houses on our block had been built in the early 1950s. With slight exceptions of larger or smaller models, most of the homes looked like they belonged together. All except one. The weird house in our neighborhood had a dark wood exterior and was landscaped with small trees instead of bushes and hedges. It stood out and most of the neighbors were not amused.
If it’s a true saying that strange houses attract stranger people, you could prove it by the weird house on our block. From the moment they moved in, the first family to live in that house made no attempt to fit into the neighborhood. The parents and three children were weird. They hated to answer their door, had two dogs that were as mean as they were big and never kept up their property.
Within ten years of moving into the house, the family fell apart. After several biting incidents, the police took the dogs away. The older brother died of a drug overdose, the younger one stopped speaking, their sister always seemed to be taking on the role of mom, and dad as their parents seemed unable to cope with anything. After their father was hospitalized for alcoholism, mom gave up, sold the house and moved away to parts unknown.
Before anyone could move in, the house was given a major facelift. Gone was the excessive number of trees that had created a haunted mansion look. Gone was the nasty looking wood exterior that gave way to aluminum siding. The inside was gutted and replaced with lighter colors and modern appliances. By the time the new family moved in during the mid 1960s, it was like an entirely different house. However, some of the sorrow from the previous family may have been left behind.
The new family consisted of a couple, a boy and girl under ten, and a cute Yorkshire Terrier they called nappy (short for Napoleon). These people were just the opposite of the previous occupants. They were friendly, took care of their property and got along well with all the neighbors. I knew the children and played with them when they came by my end of the block, but rarely visited their house. Most of what happened next I got from my other friends and people closer to the family then I was.
A couple of my friends were regularly invited to sleepovers at the house. During the sleepovers, Nappy would normally roam the house and eventually settle into his little doggie bed in one corner of the living room. However, on more then a few occasions the friendly little dog exhibited some very unfriendly and odd behavior.
Nappy would bound up the stairs to a finished attic with two bedrooms. This is where the children slept in bedrooms separated by a small hallway. Once there, he would inexplicably start to growl at the room to the right where the boy slept. This was also the room were the older brother from the previous family had once slept and where he had been found dead of a drug overdose.
Their dog’s odd behavior was first noticed by the children a few weeks after the new family moved in. Some of my friends who had slept over in the boy’s room told me that the boy and his parents were really freaked out by the whole thing. The girl had seen it, but since it wasn’t directed at her room, tended to ignore the incidents.
It seems that Nappy got along fine with the children and showed no animosity towards the sleepover guests either. That meant that his nighttime growling behavior was being directed towards an unknown source. I suppose that any number of simple explanations could be used to explain the whole thing away, but the dog’s growling wasn’t consistent. He didn’t do it every night and as often as not slept quietly without the growling when friends of the boy stayed overnight.
About a year after they moved in, the family moved out. This seemed strange considering the investment they had made in the property, but I doubt the reason for their move had anything to do with their dog‘s odd behavior. There were some strange stories from my friends who spent more time at the house then I did. On a few of the sleepovers they said that the boy’s room always seemed very cold, despite a brand new oil burner having been installed in the house before the family moved in.

Lovely Letter for Vinny

Oh.. Got many messages on PICO!!

 Do you understand what does hyo yeon talking about??
maybe just some of you....
Wanna know what does she talking about??
She says : Hi.. You have a blog right? It's named Vinny right .. I saw your blog is really good

^^ I'm so glad when I received those messages
REP TO ALL : Thx all... ^^

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Cat Ghost Story

                                                      Cat Ghost Stories

It's that time of year again when everything that is normal becomes suspect - and that includes the mysterious creature that is known as a cat. Shrouded in mystery, the cat has long been linked with witches, gods and ghosts. So it is only natural that on Halloween the spooky cat stories come to light.

Redlands, California boasts of several ghostly cats, the scariest being the headless cat that prowls the Gates of Hell in the upscale area of the city, constantly walking up a staircase that leads to nowhere. There was once a stately Victorian mansion that now exists only in the memories of the people in the area and what is left is only shadows and concrete steps. Here the headless cat walks….

But that's not the only ghost cat that walks Redlands. Two cats that lived outside Rama Garden, an exclusive Thai restaurant, are seen regularly by the employees. However Boots and Peach died six years ago! But that doesn't seem to stop them from joining their living cat friends that get their daily meal from this cat friendly restaurant.

Fairport harbor which is on Lake Erie has a historic lighthouse halfway between Cleveland and Ashtabula. This lighthouse once was used as a sentinel, guiding mariners in the 19th century to safety at the mouth of the Grand River. The wife of the lighthouse keeper was bedridden for most of her life due to a serious and lengthy illness. Her bedroom was on the second floor of the lighthouse and she had several cats to keep her company.

Years later when the lighthouse was being turned into a museum, the workers spoke of an eerie presence in the now darkened tower. The curator who lived at the lighthouse once it was a museum swore she saw the gray ghost of a cat on several occasions. Not a woman given to fancy, it was hard not to believe her, although there were skeptics. However, in the year 2000 when workers were installing air conditioning, they found the mummified remains of a gray cat.

Ghost cats also have a way of showing children their parent's lies. In a province in Ontario, Canada, a young girl had her pet cat at her father's apartment. When her father announced he was moving into an apartment that did not allow cats he assured he the cat had gone to live on a wonderful farm that belonged to one of his friends.
The little girl was sad to lose her pet, but happy that the cat would now have a lot of space to roam and be free. But less than a week later she approached her mother and told her that she knew her cat was dead. When the mother confronted her ex husband, he admitted to having the cat euthanized two days before. When asked by her mother how she knew her cat was dead, she said it was simple to figure out since her cat had been living in her room for the last two days.

Then there was the woman who drowned her sick cat in 1892, thinking she was putting it out of her misery. Shortly afterwards she opened the door to see the same cat reappear dripping with water at her door. She yelled to her servants who swore there was no cat there; just water on the porch.

Our living cats are also good at telling us when there are ghosts around and about. Many times people will be sitting with their cat and the cat, for no apparent reason, will begin arching its back and hissing, obviously upset by whatever it was seeing. There have been tellings of people who have smelled perfume or a pipe where there was no one. The consensus is that the cat, who has a sixth sense much better than that of a human, could "see" the ghostly figure.

Halloween is a time for ghosts and ghostly stories. I hope you have enjoyed mine.


Oh my gosh.. Fishing at "Ameba Pigg" is so fun.. Wanna see some collection of my fish??
Here's it:
Wanna try it..???
Go to Ameba Pigg