Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

First Video \(^.^)/

Hiya guys!!! How are you ?? I think good ^^ Sorry for not posting and i'm sorry the contest is canceled because Vinny Pico Forget to put you guys picture >.<

But, I'm promise to held some photo contest more and the price is be on Vinny Pico video ^^

Today, Vinny Pico wanna let my lovely readers to see Vinny Pico first video

Sorry if it slower and faster because Vinny Pico is using Windows Video Maker^^"

Here's it ^^

Watch here :

The boy : Zorro=)
It's me. You can add me. This is my second account the boy account ^^
I used it to make this video ^^

The Girl : Nice Bella ^^

That's all today i wanna tell guys ^^ 

Thank's ^^

1 komentar:

  1. Boleh tau bikin videonya dimana/pake apa? Thx><
    Numpang Promote =)
